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البردة للبوصيري شرح الباجوري

البردة للبوصيري شرح الباجوري is an educational application available for Android devices. Developed by Rif3i, this free app falls under the category of Education & Reference and specifically focuses on books.

The app provides an in-depth commentary and explanation of the famous poem "Al-Burda" written by Imam Al-Busiri. It includes the cover of the edition, the poem itself, a translation of the commentary by the late scholar, and various introductions.

The content of the app is divided into chapters, each covering different aspects of the poem. These chapters explore themes such as love, self-restraint, praising the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his birth, miracles, the honor and praise of the Quran, his night journey and ascension, his struggles, and the concept of seeking intercession through the Prophet.

In addition to the main poem, the app also includes other related poems, such as "Al-Qasidah Al-Madhiyah" by Imam Al-Busiri.

Overall, البردة للبوصيري شرح الباجوري offers a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the famous poem "Al-Burda" by Imam Al-Busiri, making it a valuable resource for those interested in Islamic literature and spirituality.

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